Give Me Rectangles

We talk about our first impressions of Animal Crossing: New Horizons

I've already asked that question

We talk to Sean, creator of Littlewood.

This is not an Animal Crossing Podcast

We talk about our Doraemon Story of Seasons challenge, and it's ... challenges.

There are more than 3 before 4

We chat about the history of Rune Factory.

You've Played Hundreds of Hours of Stardew

We chat about what is new in Stardew.

Don't quote us on that

We get the chance to interview the creators of Snacko.

Idle Capitalism Dystopia

We talk about another couple of mobile farming games.

A Real Romp

We talk about 2019 in farming.

More Al

Al, just Al, talks about the news of the week.

We are now a Pokemon podcast

We talk about Pokemon. Because we are a relevant podcast.

Watch Doraemon, Play Picross

We talk about Doraemon Story of Seasons, with a special guest.

Spooky Scary Skeletons

We talk about Graveyard Keeper, a spooky scary game.

the most high energy episode

We talk about My Time at Portia. Finally.

Hashtag Swimsuits For All

We talk about a number of games we want to play.


We talk about a couple of mobile farming games.

A/Nother Wonderful Life (SE)

We talk about the classic game Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.

Raschelle just wants to be a Gingerbread Farmer

We talk about all of the news of the past month, and talk about the Ooblets Epic exclusivity controversity

I Played Some Forager, True Story

We talk about Forager, and how it might have been designed with Al in mind.

You say gif, I say gif, let's call the whole thing off

We talk about Littlewood. Is it the best farming game ever?

A Very Well Structured Episode

We talk about Minecraft, and why it is, infact, a farming game.

The Hat is Evil

We talk about the demo for Doraemon Story of Seaons, and initial thoughts on the game.

The Expert at Being Mildly Satisfied

We talk about games we are loking forward to coming out

Mods mods mods

We talk about Farming Game mods. What are they? What games have them? What are our favourite ones?

The Best Soybeans in the World

We talk about our Trio of Towns challenge. Who will win this one?

100 Years of Festivals

We discuss all the calendar related events in Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

100 years of Mechanics

We look at Trio of Towns, and discuss the mechanics and how you play the game.